On a Wednesday at 9:00, the whole school gather for collective worship around our Christian Values. As a school we have eighteen (18) Christian values that we promote, learn about and pursue.
Each value lasts for five weeks and is led by a class teacher. The teacher will complete three collective worship assemblies around the value, explaining the meaning of the value in great detail, from a Christian perspective. The children will learn about bible parables and passages around the particle value.
The children are encouraged to reflect on the value over the course of the five weeks and think about how Jesus has personified that value and how we can as well.
The fourth week is a class collective assembly at Rothley Church. A class (usually the teacher who is leading the value) from the school will lead a collective worship assembly around the Christian value they have been learning. Family members and the church community are invited to the collective worship at the church.
The fifth and final assembly is the star assembly. Two children from each class are awarded the value star. These children are awarded the value star having clearly modeled that value, be it through reflection of the collective worship or in day-to-day school life. The children wear their value stars on their ties with pride.
“Learning about the Christian values helps me be a better person and follow Jesus.” Alfie year 3.