Little Bunnies Pre-school
At Little Bunnies we provide a safe, stimulating and caring environment, which will encourage your child to develop to their full potential whilst in a happy and nurturing atmosphere. Our friendly, warm and caring staff and approach to learning allows children in our care to develop and flourish into confident, kind and independent learners.
Our aims at Little Bunnies are to:
Our Pre-school starts at the beginning of September and runs until July in line with Rothley Church of England Academy Term Dates.
We take children in our Pre-school from age 3. The children can start to attend after their 3rd birthday.
Little Bunnies is open 9.00am to 12 noon ( morning session) and 12.30pm- 3.30pm ( afternoon session) with a full day being 9am - 3.30pm
All children are eligible for 15 hours of Nursery funding a week from the term after they turn three. This is is called the 'Universal Offer.'
Working parents may be eligible for an additional 15 hours a week, an extended entitlement and often called '30 hours funding.'
We accept paid places from the day after their third birthday.
We accept hours split between provisions, meaning your child can attend more than one setting.
Visit the Childcare Choices website for full details on early years funding and government help with childcare costs.
30 Hour Codes
Please check your eligibility and apply for 30 hours of funding before the end of each term, to be used in the next term.
Once you have your code you will be able to use when your child joins Pre-School.
You should apply for your code even if you don’t think at this stage you want to use it. Things might change and the code is only valid from the term after you apply.
Please note that children attending the setting should do so for a minimum of 2 days per week. ( total hours)
Early Years Pupil Premium ( EYPP) - Securing extra funding for your child.
The EYPP is extra government money to boost three and four year old early learning. Our Pre-school could receive up to £330 a year to help your child's learning.
Find out more from Leicestershire Local Authority.
Where funding is claimed, attendance will be monitored and where persistent absenteeism is highlighted parents will be contacted. If attendance drops below 50% of sessions allocated the Local Authority do have the right to claim back the funding. If this occurs, parents will become responsible for reimbursement of the fees.
Where funding is not being claimed, sessions are charged at £6.60 per hour plus £3.30 for the lunch time session (£42.90 per day or £21.45 per half day). If your child is staying for a full day there is the option for them to bring a packed lunch from home or have a hot meal – priced £2.65 per day.
For those parents who cannot afford to pay we can offer a limited number of funded sessions without a consumable chage dependable on availability and will be either mornings 9am - 12 noon and/or 12.30pm - 3.30pm.
Consumable Charge
Government funding can only be used as part payment for the core element of educaction. The Government do not provide us with the full cost of opening and running a setting. In addition, to remain open and sustain our exceptional quality, we, like the majority of Pre-schools, need to make a consumable charge to ALL funded places.
A consumable is fruit, arts and craft materials, gardening items such as compost, seeds and plants and cooking ingredients. This charge is vital for the continuation of our Pre-school.
Whilst attending Little Bunnies we ask that all children wear our Little Bunnies logoed polo-shirts. There is also an option of our logoed sweatshirts. These are to be worn with black trousers/joggers or skirt/leggings. These are available to purchase at the induction meetings or through the school office.
Polo- shirt - £11.00 Sweatshirt - £12.00
Early Years Pupil Premium ( EYPP) Securing extra funding for your child
The EYPP is extra Government money to boost three or four year old’s early learning. Our Pre-School could get up to £300 a year to help your child’s learning. We will work with you to decide how best to spend the money to ensure your child really benefits.
Registration of Interest
Please complete a Registration of Interest and send it to the school office for the attention of Mrs Cooper, Little Bunnies Office Manager, who will contact with you.
Please visit The Leicestershire County Council Early Years and Childcare website for more information on funded places
Little Bunnies Pre-school
At Little Bunnies we provide a safe, stimulating and caring environment, which will encourage your child to develop to their full potential whilst in a happy and nurturing atmosphere. Our friendly, warm and caring staff and approach to learning allows children in our care to develop and flourish into confident, kind and independent learners.
Our aims at Little Bunnies are to:
Our Pre-school starts at the beginning of September and runs until July in line with Rothley Church of England Academy Term Dates.
We take children in our Pre-school from age 3. The children can start to attend after their 3rd birthday.
Little Bunnies is open 9.00am to 12 noon ( morning session) and 12.30pm- 3.30pm ( afternoon session) with a full day being 9am - 3.30pm
All children are eligible for 15 hours of Nursery funding a week from the term after they turn three. This is is called the 'Universal Offer.'
Working parents may be eligible for an additional 15 hours a week, an extended entitlement and often called '30 hours funding.'
We accept paid places from the day after their third birthday.
We accept hours split between provisions, meaning your child can attend more than one setting.
Visit the Childcare Choices website for full details on early years funding and government help with childcare costs.
30 Hour Codes
Please check your eligibility and apply for 30 hours of funding before the end of each term, to be used in the next term.
Once you have your code you will be able to use when your child joins Pre-School.
You should apply for your code even if you don’t think at this stage you want to use it. Things might change and the code is only valid from the term after you apply.
Please note that children attending the setting should do so for a minimum of 2 days per week. ( total hours)
Early Years Pupil Premium ( EYPP) - Securing extra funding for your child.
The EYPP is extra government money to boost three and four year old early learning. Our Pre-school could receive up to £330 a year to help your child's learning.
Find out more from Leicestershire Local Authority.
Where funding is claimed, attendance will be monitored and where persistent absenteeism is highlighted parents will be contacted. If attendance drops below 50% of sessions allocated the Local Authority do have the right to claim back the funding. If this occurs, parents will become responsible for reimbursement of the fees.
Where funding is not being claimed, sessions are charged at £6.60 per hour plus £3.30 for the lunch time session (£42.90 per day or £21.45 per half day). If your child is staying for a full day there is the option for them to bring a packed lunch from home or have a hot meal – priced £2.65 per day.
For those parents who cannot afford to pay we can offer a limited number of funded sessions without a consumable chage dependable on availability and will be either mornings 9am - 12 noon and/or 12.30pm - 3.30pm.
Consumable Charge
Government funding can only be used as part payment for the core element of educaction. The Government do not provide us with the full cost of opening and running a setting. In addition, to remain open and sustain our exceptional quality, we, like the majority of Pre-schools, need to make a consumable charge to ALL funded places.
A consumable is fruit, arts and craft materials, gardening items such as compost, seeds and plants and cooking ingredients. This charge is vital for the continuation of our Pre-school.
Whilst attending Little Bunnies we ask that all children wear our Little Bunnies logoed polo-shirts. There is also an option of our logoed sweatshirts. These are to be worn with black trousers/joggers or skirt/leggings. These are available to purchase at the induction meetings or through the school office.
Polo- shirt - £11.00 Sweatshirt - £12.00
Early Years Pupil Premium ( EYPP) Securing extra funding for your child
The EYPP is extra Government money to boost three or four year old’s early learning. Our Pre-School could get up to £300 a year to help your child’s learning. We will work with you to decide how best to spend the money to ensure your child really benefits.
Registration of Interest
Please complete a Registration of Interest and send it to the school office for the attention of Mrs Cooper, Little Bunnies Office Manager, who will contact with you.
Please visit The Leicestershire County Council Early Years and Childcare website for more information on funded places